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New Eclipse details confirmed

Just a quickie this morning ‘cos I’ve got some news for you Twihards – Eclipse, the third part of the Twilight Saga, has been through the UK censors (that’s the British Board Of Film Classification). The movie, which is due to open here on July 9th, has been given a 12A certificate – that’s the same as the original Twilight and New Moon – and boasts a running time of 123m 47s (there’s nothing like being precise). But the BBFC are warning that the film ‘contains moderate fantasy violence’.


And in related news, Summit Entertainment have confirmed the rumour that the final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, will be adapted as two separate films. Oscar winner filmmaker Bill Condon (Gods And Monsters, Dreamgirls) will direct both parts, the first of which is due late next year.


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