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My First Movie Premiere…

…by Hayley Kaplan, MSN Entertainmen

World Premiere State of Play blog entry

Hi! I’m an intern for Entertainment at MSN. Thanks to my wonderful colleagues here, I was lucky enough to get two tickets to the world premiere of State of Play in Leicester Square.


I am just a university student here for a few months from the States, so this opportunity is basically a movie-goers dream come true. I was very excited. I was even more excited when the tickets were delivered right to my desk because I never get mail at MSN, never mind getting mail from Universal Studios.

I decided to take my friend Linda to the premiere as my date because she is equally as obsessed with movies as I am, and was possibly more excited about the premiere than I was. The invite said that doors open at 6:00 and that everyone must be seated (in big bold letters) at 6:45.

Advised by my colleagues not to go to the premiere too early, Linda and I strolled down the red carpet at 6:30 proudly clutching our tickets because they were the reason we got passed the numerous security to get in. We were the envy of every face on the other end of the barricades.

We walked in with all the other guests who were not famous. The red carpet was rather long for this premiere, so strutting down it was a dream within itself. Once we got passed the red carpet, everything was not as exciting as one would think. There were queues for popcorn and a crowd moving anxiously into the theatre. It was like seeing any other movie.

Linda and I took our seats and immediately opened our complimentary water bottle and chocolate bar. We then waited for the film to start. And waited. And waited. It was not until 7:30 that the real action actually started.

Ed, the movies editor who usually blogs here, told me the next morning that the whole “doors close at 6:45” thing was just a rouse, but I am naturally a prompt person and this was my first premiere (and possibly only), so how was I supposed to know?

And then…Kevin Macdonald, the director, walks in and introduces the film. I was in awe to be sitting in the fourth row just feet away from him. And then…he introduces Helen Mirren and Russell Crowe.

Linda and I are huge fans of Helen Mirren and were thrilled to hear her speak. I honestly was so stunned I don’t remember much of her little speech, besides her saying how grateful she was to Russell Crowe for taking over the lead role in the film at the last minute because Brad Pitt dropped out (although she didn’t mention Brad Pitt).

Then it was Russell Crowe’s turn to speak. I’m not a huge fan of his considering all he’s done to journalists and his less than stellar reputation, but I was excited to see him nonetheless. However, he got handed the microphone said that what he was about to say was per tradition and recited a brief poem about how much he loved Australia. Or at least that was what I got out of it. Anyway, he didn’t make the best impression.

The lights dimmed and the curtains opened and from there on out it was like any other film-going experience. The film itself was pretty good. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to any movie fan.

That was my first premiere experience. It was very exciting to be in Leicester Square in the thick of it all, but I do have to say that the whole process is a little overrated. I guess I can be arrogant enough to say that now that I’ve been to a premiere, but it is really just watching a free movie with some famous people speaking before it. The whole red carpet event outside was a much bigger deal than what actually happens when stars go through the theatre doors. Helen Mirren actually stayed through the whole film because I’m pretty sure I saw her leave afterwards, but for the most part stars do not stay through the film at all.

Anyway, it was a great opportunity to go the premiere, and one that I enjoyed very much. Everyone go and see State of Play in theatres on Friday.


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