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Killers premiere report

by Andy Gibbons

“Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to unforeseen circumstances we’re going to be running about twenty minutes late”. When you’re sitting in a cinema waiting for the movie to start, that’s not what you want to hear. But I guess when you’re waiting for Katherine Heigl to arrive at her own premiere then you can’t do anything but sit back and accept that normal time doesn’t apply to Hollywood types.

Last night I went along to the European prem of Heigl and Ashton Kutcher’s new action / romcom Killers (I’ll review it in full next week) and for those of you who think that premieres are nothing but glamour, then think again ‘cos there’s a huge amount of waiting around. The ticket requested the audience be decked out in ‘killer style’, seated and ready to go by 6.45pm but when I walked along the red carpet at just after 6.30pm there wasn’t hide nor hair of Heigl and considering she still had to talk to the various press outlets patiently awaiting her arrival, things weren’t looking good.

I’m not sure what time she did rock up but we got the ‘running late’ message just before 7pm which meant the staff at the Odeon West End in Leicester Square had more time to sell beer and popcorn to those who’d deemed to get there on time. Finally, at about 7.20pm an unusually brunette Katherine and the film’s director Robert Luketic were ushered into the cinema where they introduced the movie. Luketic was up first to talk about how Killers is a bit different from his usual fare, saying “I guess with a guy who has Legally Blonde on his resume, giving you a whole bunch of money to blow things up is not something they (the studio behind the film) do very often.” He then gave way to his leading lady, who he described as “a wonderful woman who I consider a friend, she’s a neighbour and one of the most talented actresses I’ve ever worked with”.


Heigl shuffled on stage (she was having a few problems walking in a very tight LBD and very expensive looking shoes) and a bunch of camera flashes immediately lit up the auditorium. She thanked her patient audience, saying “This is just so exciting to be here. Coming to London and showing our movie is such a rewarding experience and so thrilling ‘cos everyone is so warm and accepting and excited and enthusiastic. It just makes me feel so fabulous so thank you for being here and thank you for the warm welcome.”

I guess the lesson to be learned here is if you get a free ticket to a movie premiere, be patient ‘cos if you haven’t paid, you don’t have the right to whinge.


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