Hello, please let me introduce myself – my name is Andy Gibbons and I’m here to give you an up close and personal look at the world of film and what’s going on within it. I’ll also be keeping you up to date with news from various junkets, press conferences and premieres as well as sneak peeks at upcoming new movies. I know, it’s a tough life and all that… I’ll be updating as often as possible but you can also follow me on Twitter @andyffgibbons.
For my first entry I was planning to bring you to date up with all the action from the Iron Man 2 press activity which was planned for the weekend and this evening in London. Scheduled to come into town to promote the comic book sequel were *deep breath* Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson and director Jon Faveau, all of whom were happy pencilled in to spend Saturday and Sunday holed up a posh West End hotel doing interviews with the world’s press before unveiling the movie tonight at the World Premiere at Westfield Shopping Centre. And then some unpronounceable volcano decided to blow its top and the whole trip got cancelled and hastily rearranged in Los Angeles. Our loss is obviously LA’s gain.
In fact Eyjafjallajoekull has been right pain in the unmentionables for movie journalists in the UK. Planned trips by Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore to promote The Last Song and The Joneses were also pulled, leaving fans disappointed and various broadcasters scrabbling around for material to plug their schedules and everyone devoid of any decent material. But at least Miley was nice enough to send a video message to the fans who attended the vastly scaled down The Last Song ‘premiere’ in London.
So instead I wanted to give you a look at a short trailer which should whet your appetite for an exciting summer of movies ahead. It’s bought to us by the FDA (the Film Distributor’s Association – the trade body for theatrical film distributors here in the UK) and introduced by Alex Zane and highlights 40 of the movies set to tear up the big screen this summer. It’s a great trailer and I hope you enjoy ‘cos let’s face it, with the World Cup looming and BBQ weather predicted (again!), UK cinemas are going to need all the help they can get.
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