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Celebrity News

Romance round-up: JT, Leo, Eoghan

A lot of loved-up celebrities have been talking about romance rumours in recent days, with Justin Timberlake among the stars who are keen to set the record straight.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel (Rex)JT denied reports he will soon wed Jessica Biel, his girlfriend of two years, during an interview on The Oprah Winfrey Show. “I’m not engaged,” Justin said. “If she’s engaged, we have a problem.”

A friend of Leonardo DiCaprio seems to have followed suit, denying the star is planning to marry model girlfriend Bar Refaeli anytime soon. "No, he and Bar are not married and not engaged,” the friend told Us Weekly magazine this week.

Pete Wentz has also spoken out, this time to clear up rumours that his marriage to Ashlee Simpson is in trouble. "I laugh out loud at them," he said of the rumours. "I laugh at all of that stuff. It’s like if someone wrote on the internet that John McCain was our president right now. It’s just not true."

Meanwhile, X Factor ‘hottie’ Eoghan Quigg has admitted he did snog rival contestant Diana Vickers, but says there was no spark.

“We had a snog but I didn’t feel anything so there’s nothing going on,” Eoghan told Star magazine. “I think people really wanted us to be together but we weren’t. I don’t know how she felt. There was nothing for me there and there was never going to be anything. I swear I don’t fancy her. I did kiss her but I don’t fancy her." Hmm… sounds like a man spurned if you ask us!

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