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Peaches Geldof tweets car crash

Peaches Geldof, PA Photos Peaches Geldof escaped unscathed after the car she was in crashed after spinning out of control on an LA motorway.

The 20-year-old and friends were on their way to Disneyland in California and were apparently speeding, according to a post left on the star’s Twitter page moments before the accident. Peaches tweeted: “Speeding like I have never, ever witnessed before on the freeway – feel like I’m in a scary car chase video game.”

Moments later, the car skidded out of control across three lanes of traffic. Although the car suffered extensive damage, none of the passengers were seriously injured. Peaches even managed to add another tweet, saying: "Just actually experienced a full on car crash with the IDGAF crew. Wow, I guess we really don’t GAF.”

The driver of the car claimed her foot slipped off the pedal while driving due to their urgency to get to the theme park. After the accident, they carried on and made it to Disneyland as planned.

Although not physically injured, the incident definitely shook up the young star and her friends. Another tweet shortly after the crash revealed Peaches’ shock: "My last memories if we had all died following the epic crash – reading the NME, then screaming, clinging… what a way to go…"

We’re not sure if rushing to get to Disneyland is worth risking life and limb for. Let’s hope Peaches and co have learnt their lesson!

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