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Madonna adoption to be approved?

Madonna looks set to be granted permission to adopt a Malawian girl, after taking her case to the country’s Supreme Court of Appeal.

Madonna and Mercy (Reuters) The star’s attempts to adopt four-year-old Mercy James were blocked by a judge in April, due to a rule which states that potential adoptive parents need to have lived in the country for 18 months.

Madonna left the Malawi devastated after losing her bid, but went straight to her lawyers to launch an appeal. And now it seems she has got her way – according to a PA report, two of the three appeal judges have stated the adoption should be allowed to take place and Malawi’s Supreme Court of Appeal will announce the ruling on Sunday.

If so, Mercy will start a new life in New York, alongside Madonna’s other adopted child, David Banda, also from Malawi, and biological children Lourdes and Rocco.

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