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Celebrity News

Letterman admits affairs on live TV

David Letterman, host of US TV favourite The Late Show, admitted last night that he had sexual relations with several women, and that he was also the victim of bribery.David Letterman (Rex)

In a shocking revelation from the TV legend, he told the world that he had, in fact, been involved romantically with other women (he is married and has a child). In his own words: "The creepy stuff was that I have had sex with women who work for me on this show."

He also revealed that he was told to pay an alleged $2 million to prevent the details of his unsavoury activities being made public. Letterman, 62, also told the laughing audience that he even gave a fake cheque to the man who threatened him, in a meeting that had been set up by his lawyer.

His own admission of the whole series of events has seemingly helped to keep his reputation intact. It’s early days, but it seems that the much-loved presenter is still respected and admired, despite his actions.

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